Monday, October 3, 2016

Morning Pages -31 Day Challenge Day 3

The trouble with looking on Facebook on a Monday morning is that everyone posts the great things they did that weekend and sometimes I can end up feeling like a slug.
I saw that friends were at the Ryder Cup, went canoeing, hiked in Duluth and one even rode an elephant. It all sounds so exciting!
Sure, this last weekend was great and I posted pictures from the wedding and even wrote about my time with family, but envy  can creep in even when you are having a great time!
Envy is a tough sin for me. I suppose it relates to my need to want to have more. Growing up in a family of six can probably train you to work for what you need and grab it quick before it is gone. Wanting more of something really good is bad when you compare yourself to others. It is also bad when you don't want others to have what you have.
One year for Lent I gave up comparing myself to others.
Gods love is endless and so is his goodness. Why should I limit my love and goodness by comparing it?
Resolve for today: Live in the moment. Love what's in front of you. Don't compare your life to anyone else's.
You are unique! (Like everyone else! Haha)

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