Saturday, November 2, 2019

Last week I satarted a new blog.  I am calling it 60 X 60.  The premise is that I am plaining to loose 60 pounds before I am 60 years old.  I am not going to tell you what I weigh. (Mostly because I am too embarrassed to admit what I weigh) but I am going to use this space to log my journey.  
Something I realized as I started thinking about this was that it is about 60 weeks until I turn 60.   Cowinkidink huh!?
So this will not be just a weight loss blog but a life journey blog.  
I recently heard Rachel Hollis from “Girl Wash Your Face “ fame and she challenged anyone and everyone  - “If you have something to share with the world - you have an obligation to put it out there” and so I will.
I promise that I will be honest and put it all out there. My highs, my lows and everything in between.  Sometimes I may talk about my weight loss, but I also plan to talk about my life, family and work struggles.  This transition to 60 and the next chapter in my life has much more to do with walking that journey than loosing that weight.  
I believe that 60 is the new 40 and I want to prove it!
Want to come along?  
Follow my blog and share with me your thoughts.  
Look for the blog every week. I hope to post on Fridays.  My 60th birthday will be Friday January 1, 2021.  
For those of you who have done the math, it will acurally be over 60 weeks until I am 60 and that is because - I am sure I will miss a week or two and this gives me an excuse to not be perfect.  BECAUSE I AM NOT!
I started a blog a while back when I was laid off from my job at the Archdiocese.  It helped me with healing and moving on. My favorite post from that time was the very true look at my grocery cart of the junk food I was indulging in.  That blog was followed by quite a few people and I think it resonated with people because it was raw, honest and from the heart.  I hope this to have that same spirit.  
I will probably steal shamelessly from Rachel Hollis, Brene Brown and some of my favorite Catholic writers Colleen Connell Mitchel and Leticia Ochoa Adams.  Both of these women have such courage to share from the heart.  (chest bump, finger kiss and point to the sky) 
Since I will be sharing about my weight journey, I may refer to meal plans and initiatives that may help me to achieve my goal. I will not be selling anything but if I am doing something that works - I will share it. If I fail, it is probably more my fault than the product.  
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